Who we Fund

Annually the Trust donate to several regular recipients who are organisations who have a similar objective and principle to that of the original Sunshine League of New Zealand. More recently the Trust has been able to help individuals school aged children

Big Brother Big Sisters of Christchurch

Supporting whānau, families and communities to see our young people thrive. Our aim is to make a positive difference in the lives of children and youth through professionally supported, mentoring relationships. 

We facilitate the selection, training, development of our network of volunteer mentors across the country. These volunteers are match with a young person  for a minimum of one year. BBBS staff provide the framework and ongoing professional support and supervision, helping the match achieve the best outcomes for the young person.


Champion Centre

The Champion Centre provides multi-disciplinary early intervention services to infants and young children with significant disabilities and their families in Canterbury. The programme is offered in a centre-based model of service, in partnership with parents, and in accordance with international best practice. 
The Champion Centre offers services for children who have special needs or children whose developmental progress is at risk. Children who attend the centre have a wide range of special needs. These include Down syndrome, other genetic disorders, cerebral palsy, extreme prematurity, epilepsy, developmental dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorder and brain injury.

We offer a number of services at the Centre including:

  • An early intervention programme for children from birth to primary school age who have delays in at least two or more areas of development;
  • A specialist early intervention programme for children with relating and communicating difficulties;
  • A monitoring programme for children who are at developmental risk either because of prematurity or because of some other health-related vulnerability;
  • Individual assessment for children for whom there are questions about their development.


Cholmondeley Childrens Centre

Cholmondeley (Chum-lee) Memorial Children’s Home was opened on March 7th, 1925 as a result of the generous personal gift of Hugh Heber Cholmondeley, bequeathing both the land and the original house to the Children of this area in memory of his late wife Margaret, a gift that has created an unparalleled legacy of care for children and families in need.

Cholmondeley Children’s Centre has developed and adapted to the evolving needs of the community to ensure that it remains relevant to the needs of those it serves. Since 1925 over 30,000 children have stayed at Cholmondeley.

The new, purpose-built premises opened in 2015 and marked the beginning of a new era. Today Cholmondeley provides short-term, planned, and emergency respite care for tamariki aged 3-12, as well as support to whānau in the community through its outreach program delivered by the Awhi (care) team to strengthen resilience in an ever-changing environment.

Cholmondeley remains an independent charity, who’s services can be accessed through a diverse range of community service providers, agencies, and importantly directly from parents and whānau.

Each year Cholmondeley raises $2.5 million to meet its operational expenditure. Of that 70% comes from the continued generosity of Canterbury businesses and individuals


Forward Foundation

Forward Foundation is a New Zealand registered charity, founded in 2012. Our mission is to assist young females by creating development and leadership opportunities in a sporting environment. Our programmes are designed to increase participation, leadership and education levels of girls involved in or by involving them in sport and recreation.

Originally, we set out to help grow girls through rugby as a way of offering them more opportunity. We quickly realised that our initiatives could benefit more girls in New Zealand by reaching out to more sports, and that our programmes offered a powerful way to develop young girls as people, leaders and that they could contribute to their local communities if given the right support. Since 2012, we have developed three core programmes; Combined Sports teams, the Ambassador Programme and Not-So-Sports Club.


Stand Tū Māia

Stand Tū Māia is a charity providing an Intensive Wraparound social service response through it's Stand for Children service (which includes Therapeutic Care and Education in Children's Villages) to children aged 5 to 12 and their families, it's Family Therapy service for children 0-18 (including unborns) and their families, the Social Services in Schools service and a Kidzacool Adventures holiday programme for children aged 5 up to 14. 

We work to transform the lives of children and young people who are at significant risk of harm to their well-being as a consequence of the environment in which they are being raised and their own complex needs.

For each child we seek to develop their capacity to live in healthy, hopeful relationships with others.  On this depends all of the other necessary outcomes which contribute to their ability to enjoy life and reach their potential.


180 Degrees Trust

180 Degrees Trust is a charitable Trust established in 2007 and managed by a Board of Trustees who are passionate about improving outcomes for the youth of Canterbury.

Our mission is to positively impact the lives of young people facing educational challenges, empower them to make wise decisions, foster pro-social behaviour, encourage personal growth, and inspire motivation. Through the establishment of meaningful connections with these individuals and leveraging the transformative power of the high country, we catalyse a remarkable transformation, nurturing a positive trajectory in their lives.

Our services utilise the natural environment to challenge at risk youth. We run four individualized learning programmes for young people between 13 and 18 years old  which provide weekly 1 on 1 mentoring and many adventures into the outdoors throughout the year.


Seabrook McKenzie Centre

Our vision: he ao e angitu ai te hunga e uaua ana te ako (a world where those with learning difficulties experience success)

Our mission: to support the education, employment, social development, legal rights and quality of life of people with Specific learning Disabilities.

Specific Learning Disabilities are defined as a neurological dysfunction affecting processing of information and interfering with the optimal development of a person, when the difficulties are not caused primarily by visual, hearing or motor impairment, intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, environmental, economic, or cultural circumstances.

Our aim:
Our aim is to assist people with Specific Learning Disabilities and their families through direct provision of professional services, such as assessment, guidance, referral services and specialised tuition, and by fostering community awareness of Specific Learning Disabilities through training programmes, research and community education.

The overriding aim for all services offered through Seabrook McKenzie is to help the student (whether a child or an adult) to realise their potential and lead a fulfilling and productive life.

We are a Health and Disability service.


Graeme Dingle Foundation  

The Graeme Dingle Foundation is a child and youth charity founded by Sir Graeme Dingle and Jo-anne Wilkinson, Lady Dingle,  in 1995 as the Project K Trust. The Graeme Dingle Foundation is a leader in the field of child and youth development, running several successful proven programmes – Kiwi CanStarsCareer NavigatorProject K and MYND.

Our programmes cover young people from 5-24 and have been proven to have a direct impact on building resilience to help them overcome life’s obstacles and thrive. Participating students have access to inspirational leaders and mentors when taking part in programmes that provide the skills they need to prosper. We believe it is important that we not only do good, but we can prove the difference we make.

Our programmes empower tamariki and rangatahi to overcome life’s obstacles and are informed by best practice research. With our University research partners, we know our programmes improve attitudes and behaviour, improve academic results, help young people set and achieve goals, boost self-confidence, reduce truancy rates and at risk behaviours such as substance abuse. Through these community-focused, life changing, role modelling and mentoring programmes, our young people develop life skills and confidence – empowered to find their purpose and direction in life.

Since 1995 we’ve had over 350,000 young people through our programmes and are helping over 26,000 children each year to become their own heroes.


Laura Ferguson Brain Injury Trust 

We support those impacted by brain injury in Canterbury and the surrounding regions. We are the only providers like this in the South Island and one of only three across New Zealand.

Our vision and mission are consistent with the themes of the NZ Disability Strategy and the Ministry of Health's philosophy of Disability Support Services, which is to:

  • Promote a person’s quality of life and enable community participation and inclusion, and maximise independence
  • Support a person to make decisions and have control over their lives and services
  • Focus on the individual and where relevant family/whānau
  • Should be flexible and responsive to a person's goals and needs


Contact Us

E B Millton Charitable Trust
E B Millton Charitable Trust Inc
C/- Mackay Bailey Limited
PO Box 13311, Christchurch

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